
In pursuance of Section 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 PersonalData(hereinafter the “Privacy Code”), we inform you that the treatment of Personal Data (name, surname, email address and any further Personal Data indicated in the message) (the “Data”) by you spontaneously provided filling out the contact format on the website (the “Website”) will respect the principles of fairness, legality and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.
Please note that this Policy also contains the information required by art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data (hereinafter “GDPR”), which will become applicable in all the Member States of the European Union and belonging to the European Economic Area from May 25, 2018.

Data Controller
The Data Controller of Personal Data is MBarchitetti with registered office in Andrea Mantovani Via Porta Romana, 31 44121 Ferrara, Italia (hereinafter “MBarchitetti” o “us”) Data.
MBarchitetti is responsible for the legitimate and correct processing of your DData.

The purposes of Personal Data Processing
The Data provided will be processed by the Data Controller in pursuance of the Privacy Code and according to the GDRP for the following purposes:
i)- to respond to your request for information and/or contact, also by sending communications relating to it;
ii)- your prior express consent, to send you, exclusively by e-mail, newsletters of an informative / advertising nature, commercial communications and invitations to events organized by the owner or by the companies of the Andrea Mantovani – Via Porta Romana, 31 44121 Ferrara, Italia.

Data recipients – Transfer of Data to Third Countries or International Organizations
– In order to process your request for information and / or contact and only if this is required by the object of the same, your Data may be communicated to the group company directly affected by this request, that will treat your Data as an independent Data Controller. In case the request by you submitted lies within the jurisdiction of MBarchitetti, your Data will have to be communicated by us to the said company with seat in Switzerland, country in relation to which an adequacy decision of the Commission exists (Decision No. 2000/518 / EC) and to which the Personal Data Protection Authority has authorized the transfer of Personal Data (with Resolution No. 37 of 17/10 / 2001).
In that case, in order to obtain a copy of those Data, it will be sufficient to send an email to MBarchitetti
Outside of the case just mentioned, your Data won’t be transferred by us to third countries or international organizations.
– Your Data will also be made accessible to third parties who perform maintenance and technical assistance on the IT systems used for the processing and storage of Data, who will be nominated by us as Data Processors.The updated list of Data Processors will be made available upon request to the Data Controller to be sent by email to the following address The Data will also be processed for the purposes referred to in point 2 by MBarchitetti staff, who will have received prior appointment to a person in charge.

DataProcessing Arrangements – Time-limits for storing the Data.
– Data will be processed using both paper and electronic means.
– Your Personal Data will be stored for the period of time strictly necessary to execute your request for information and / or contact, unless you have authorized us to use it for the further purpose referred to in point 2. ii) which precedes. In this case, your Data will be kept by us for a period of time equal to twenty-four months from the date of registration in our database. In any case, once the maximum Data retention period has elapsed, they will be automatically deleted or made anonymous.

Mandatory or optional nature of providing Data – Consequences of the possible refusal.
– The provision of Data for the purposes referred to in point 2-i) above is mandatory as necessary to enable us to process your request for information and / or contact.
– The provision of Data for the purposes referred to in point 2-ii) above is optional; consequently, without your express consent, we will not process the Data for the advertising and marketing purposes indicated therein.

Data Subjects’ Rights
– We remind you that, at any time, by contacting the Data Controller, you may withdraw your consent to the processing of your Data for the purposes referred to in point 2-ii) above, without thereby affecting the legality of the processing based on your consent before the revocation.
– Furthermore, according to article 7 of the Privacy Code and according to articles 13, paragraph 2, letters b) and d), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the GDPR, we inform you that:
a) You have the right to ask the Data Controller to access your Personal Data, correct or delete them or limit the processing of your Data or to oppose the processing of your DataData, in addition to the right to Data portability;
b) You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, following the procedures and instructions published on the official website of the Authority on;
c) any corrections or cancellations or limitations on the processing carried out upon your request – unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort – will be communicated by us to each of the recipients to whom your Data may have been sent in accordance with this information.
– The exercise of the preceding rights is not subject to any form constraint and is free. To this end, you can contact the Data Controller by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the addresses indicated in point 1 above, or by e-mail using the following address: